Computers Equipment DoItYourself News Sports Tubes |
Columbus Blues Alliance | downtown scene since 1995 |
Jazz Columbus everything Jazz in Columbus Ohio | Columbus Folk Music Society promoting folk music, dance and storytelling |
Mad Lab wide variety of shows | Science Daily cool science |
Put In Bay Info | Industrial Automation Systems |
Free fighting to stop the monopolies of our press | Save the Internet if we don't fight, big business will rule | end the BS Emails | The Onion Funny Headlines, all fake |
True Color Music my rock and roll band | GTM Band previous band great guys |
Label Peelers Where I buy my beer making supplies | Sixis Imaging My First Website Years Ago |
The Godz Best rock band of Columbus | Eagle View Roofing They did my Roof and Solar, saved me thousands |
Coolest weather map ever made |
CAPA | Columbus Zoo |
ComFest | Ohio Art League |
Ohio Dept of Transporation | Columbus Museum of Art |
Stewart Mcdonalds Guitar Shop Athens Ohio | |
12 Tone Music Dayton Ohio | Gary's Classic Guitars Cincinatti Ohio |
String Emporium is your "One-Stop Bass Shop" | Wildwood Music Coshocton Ohio |
Badass Bass Players | Brandon Wound Pickups |
Vintage Guitar Magazine | Jollity Drum Farm |
FoxRox hand built guitar effects | JP2 Creations Vintage Drum Parts |
Percussive Arts Society a percussionist website | Rock N Roll Vintage Guitars |
Guitar Digest | Guitar Player World |
The Kelly SHU Kick Drum Microphone Shock Mounts | X8 Drums Djembe, Cajon & Hand Drums |
Cowtown Guitars Guitars from Las Vegas | Vintage and Rare Large database of Vintage Guitars |
Audio lot's of tube gear | |
Groove Tubes pay extra for pretty red ink | Nostalgia Air great tube information page |
Triode Electronics good place for amp parts | The Tube Store.Com hard to beat these guys for tubes |
Tube World another decent place to find tubes | BOI AudioWorks Tubes and amp parts |
Studio Sound Electronics Great Selection and Prices | Tube Cad Journal Excellent web site for all things Tubes |
Valve Wizard great articles on tubes |
diyAudio Huge board for the DIY | Pete Millett Pete's site is excellent for DIY Tube gear |
Vinyl Engine More then just Turntables, great place to look for manuals | The purpose of these pages is to introduce the student and hobbyist to electronics projects. |
Codecademy learn to code | Electronic Theory This site explains electronics better then any course I ever took |
udemy electronic online courses | Making Electric Circuits and Other Electronics Projects Plenty of PDF files |
Tronola Older fun with Electronics website | Spark Fun Electronics Nice selection of parts and tutorials |
Circuit Finder Lots of circuits for DIY | Circuits Today More circuits |
All About Circuits | Electronics Lab More Circuits |
UK DIY websiteDecibel Dungeon | Instructables big site, but not thought out |
Neurochrome Canadian Audio Electronics | Probemaster Excellent test leads for Electrical gear |
ApICS LLC The Best Crossover Chart tools |
Parts Express great place for electronic parts and speaker building | Apex Jr. your source for affordable electronics |
Heat Sink USA great place to buy heat sinks | Sierra Circuits good place to have your PCB boards made |
Digikey Electronics Lot of BOM's are here | Mouser Electronics |
Surplus Sales of Nebraska everything imaginable | Allied Electronics Electronics and Automation |
McMaster-Carr construction itmes | Grainger construction itmes |
Cmple Audio, Video and Networking supplies | Micro Center Computers, Electronics, ect |
Electronics Plus huge store, found them looking for magnet wire | HSC Electronic Shop Silicon Valley Electronic Marketplace |
Oatley Electronics Kits and Surplus Electronics | Bill Fitzmaurice Loudspeaker Design |
Sweetwater Music Musician dream house | Musicians Friend Musician Dream House |
Midwest Speaker Reapair Speakers and repair kits | Simply Speakers Speakers and repair kits |
Remington Industries Wire Specialists |
Raspberry Pi computer for everyone | Arduino getting your computer connected to the outside world |
Amiberry let your Raspberry emulate Amiga | Amiga World where I was hacked | serving the Amiga community since 1994 | Amiga Kit parts and service for Amigas |
Hackaday Hacking the C=64 and Everything Else | 6502 org for those that want to build a computer |
DLH's Commodore Page wonderful online source for books and magazines | High Voltage Sid Collection over 48,000 Sids |
C64 XLfiles download 64 ready programs | Kludgesoft's 64 page links |
Coomodre free U.K. C=64 Magazine downlaods | Secret Weapons of Commodore what could have been |
Zimmer's 64 online portal files and files | 64INC Retro 64 Inc, get your 64 connected to the world |
Gideon's Logic modern hardware for the 64 | IDE64 Peripherals modern hardware for the 64 |
TPUG Toronto Pat User Group | Commodore 64 a server for the commodore 64 |
Lemon comodore 64 super site | |
Columbus.Gov | Plunderbund Ohio Political News | Great information or adds. | American Civil Liberties Union |
Center for American Progress | Fair This site exposes the Press's deception |
History of Conservatism | Senate Vote Records see how they lie |
If you are "conservative" please read | |
The Bill of Rights The Constitution The Bible, (too many versions to link to) |
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