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Computers Equipment DoItYourself News Sports Tubes

Cowtownmusic.com Preferred Links

Columbus Blues Alliance Cringe.com downtown scene since 1995
Jazz Columbus everything Jazz in Columbus Ohio Columbus Folk Music Society promoting folk music, dance and storytelling
Mad Lab wide variety of shows Science Daily cool science
Put In Bay Info Industrial Automation Systems
Free Press.net fighting to stop the monopolies of our press Save the Internet if we don't fight, big business will rule
Snopes.com end the BS Emails The Onion Funny Headlines, all fake
True Color Music my rock and roll band GTM Band previous band great guys
Label Peelers Where I buy my beer making supplies Sixis Imaging My First Website Years Ago
The Godz Best rock band of Columbus Eagle View Roofing They did my Roof and Solar, saved me thousands
Coolest weather map ever made

Local links of Central Ohio

CAPA Columbus Zoo
ComFest Ohio Art League
Ohio Dept of Transporation Columbus Museum of Art

Interesting online sites for guitars and stuff outside the central Ohio area.

Stewart Mcdonalds Guitar Shop Athens Ohio
12 Tone Music Dayton Ohio Gary's Classic Guitars Cincinatti Ohio
String Emporium is your "One-Stop Bass Shop" Wildwood Music Coshocton Ohio
Badass Bass Players Brandon Wound Pickups
Vintage Guitar Magazine Jollity Drum Farm
FoxRox hand built guitar effects JP2 Creations Vintage Drum Parts
Percussive Arts Society a percussionist website Rock N Roll Vintage Guitars
Guitar Digest Guitar Player World
The Kelly SHU Kick Drum Microphone Shock Mounts X8 Drums Djembe, Cajon & Hand Drums
Cowtown Guitars Guitars from Las Vegas Vintage and Rare Large database of Vintage Guitars

Manufacturers of Musical Equipment

AbAmplifiers Ampeg Ashly Audio
Avatar Speakers Behringer BSG Guitars
BSW Crate Amplifiers Crown Amplifiers
DoD Electronics EAW Eastern Acoustic Works U.S, Music
Electro-Voice Eminence Fender
Gibson Musical Instruments JBL Just Strings
Mackie Mesa Boogie Mojo Tone
Peavey Electronics Pedulla Bass Guitars Rane Professional Audio Products
Samson Tech Makers of Hartke Seymour Duncan Shure
SIT Strings made in Akron Ohio Soundbridge TOA Electronics
Vintage Kustom Amp Site Ted Weber's Famous Loudspeakers Yamaha Corporation

Tubes Sales & Information

Audio Tubes.com lot's of tube gear
Groove Tubes pay extra for pretty red ink Nostalgia Air great tube information page
Triode Electronics good place for amp parts The Tube Store.Com hard to beat these guys for tubes
Tube World another decent place to find tubes BOI AudioWorks Tubes and amp parts
Studio Sound Electronics Great Selection and Prices Tube Cad Journal Excellent web site for all things Tubes
Valve Wizard great articles on tubes

Do It Yourself/Home Audio

diyAudio Huge board for the DIY Pete Millett Pete's site is excellent for DIY Tube gear
Vinyl Engine More then just Turntables, great place to look for manuals Bristolwatch.com The purpose of these pages is to introduce the student and hobbyist to electronics projects.
Codecademy learn to code Electronic Theory This site explains electronics better then any course I ever took
udemy electronic online courses Making Electric Circuits and Other Electronics Projects Plenty of PDF files
Tronola Older fun with Electronics website Spark Fun Electronics Nice selection of parts and tutorials
Circuit Finder Lots of circuits for DIY Circuits Today More circuits
All About Circuits Electronics Lab More Circuits
UK DIY websiteDecibel Dungeon Instructables big site, but not thought out
Neurochrome Canadian Audio Electronics Probemaster Excellent test leads for Electrical gear
ApICS LLC The Best Crossover Chart tools

Suppliers of Parts

Parts Express great place for electronic parts and speaker building Apex Jr. your source for affordable electronics
Heat Sink USA great place to buy heat sinks Sierra Circuits good place to have your PCB boards made
Digikey Electronics Lot of BOM's are here Mouser Electronics
Surplus Sales of Nebraska everything imaginable Allied Electronics Electronics and Automation
McMaster-Carr construction itmes Grainger construction itmes
Cmple Audio, Video and Networking supplies Micro Center Computers, Electronics, ect
Electronics Plus huge store, found them looking for magnet wire HSC Electronic Shop Silicon Valley Electronic Marketplace
Oatley Electronics Kits and Surplus Electronics Bill Fitzmaurice Loudspeaker Design
Sweetwater Music Musician dream house Musicians Friend Musician Dream House
Midwest Speaker Reapair Speakers and repair kits Simply Speakers Speakers and repair kits
Remington Industries Wire Specialists

Just Empty Space at this time

Vintage Computers,Raspberry & Aurdino Links

Raspberry Pi computer for everyone Arduino getting your computer connected to the outside world
Amiberry let your Raspberry emulate Amiga Amiga World where I was hacked
Amiga.org serving the Amiga community since 1994 Amiga Kit parts and service for Amigas
Hackaday Hacking the C=64 and Everything Else 6502 org for those that want to build a computer
DLH's Commodore Page wonderful online source for books and magazines High Voltage Sid Collection over 48,000 Sids
C64 XLfiles download 64 ready programs Kludgesoft's 64 page links
Coomodre free U.K. C=64 Magazine downlaods Secret Weapons of Commodore what could have been
Zimmer's 64 online portal files and files 64INC Retro 64 Inc, get your 64 connected to the world
Gideon's Logic modern hardware for the 64 IDE64 Peripherals modern hardware for the 64
TPUG Toronto Pat User Group Commodore 64 a server for the commodore 64
Lemon comodore 64 super site

Ohio Sports

Columbus Bluejackets The Columbus Crew Soccer Team
Columbus Clippers AAA Baseball Ohio Roller Girls
IHRA Drag Racing Mid Ohio Sports Car Nascar racing site
The Cleveland Browns The Cleveland Guardians The Cleveland Cavaliers
The Cincinnati Bengals The Cincinnati Reds RunOhio.com

Political, Some elect represenatives because they want to have their views represented. Others elect leaders because thinking is hard

Columbus.Gov Plunderbund Ohio Political News
Whitehouse.gov Great information or adds. American Civil Liberties Union
Center for American Progress Fair This site exposes the Press's deception
History of Conservatism Senate Vote Records see how they lie
If you are "conservative" please read
The Bill of Rights The Constitution The Bible, (too many versions to link to)

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